“2for30 begin creating and recording music together in Portland Oregon in July of 2014. Very quickly they realized that their music was deserving of its own genre. Runck is a combination of a few different genres. If you want some Hip Hop than look no further than 2for30’s drummer Mark Tellis also known as Tripple-T or Mark Jacobs…The Funk keeps that 2for30 groove, just ask one of the funkiest dudes on the planet MeGale Roberts 2for30’s bass player known in the band as Funk Daddy. Lead vocalist and guitar player Ramondo “Doeboy The Great” Roberts blends it all with some super chill Rap lyrics, singing and some Jimi Hendrix style guitar runckin. Rap plus Rock, and Funk equals Runck baby. No matter your age, culture, or preferred genre of music, 2for30 here to Runck you up. Come Runck wit ya”